Lori Bruno (psychic/seer/mystic/author) 
Lori’s website………..
To reach Lori for an appointment, please contact her at: 978-741-9297
A Brief Biography
Lori Bruno is a Hereditary High Priestess and Elder of the Sicilian Strega line of the Craft of the Wise, founder and Head Mother of Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church, Inc. The church was founded in 1993 and is based in Salem, Massachusetts.
When Lori was born in 1940 she was born into one of the last lines of Oral Traditional teachings in which are handed down from generation to generation through the family.
Lori was born into a line of Ancient Dream Prophets out of Sicily and her family was known throughout the entire Mediterranean region for their magical and healing abilities. The family resided and is from the slopes of the ancient volcano known as Mt. Etna, not far from where the City of Catania stands today.
Lori is a descendant of Gohar – al – Siculi, a General in the Fataniid Empire, who in A.D. 969 was sent by the caliph of Baghdad to conquer Egypt. This he did and founded the city of Cairo, Egypt. As the stories were handed down in her family, General Gohar became a convert into Islam.
In the fourteenth century after being prophesied by Lori’s ancestor years prior, the Black Death also known as the Bubonic Plague came upon Sicily and with it brought a great loss of life, agriculture and more. Lori’s ancestor Donna Marietta (Little Mari), was a healer, herb woman, midwife, and Maga Priestess of the Ancient Sikelian Goddess and because of this she came under heavy scrutiny from the Inquisition because of her practices. It was spoken that she could deliver infants and the mother would have a painless childbirth, which of course was considered a sacrilege because the Holy Bible stated “women shall give birth in pain.”
Donna Marietta reportedly healed plague victims by using Arabic medical texts as handed down in her family for many generations. Donna Marietta also had a magical knife made of fine Damascus steel (a surgical instrument) that she used to open and drain the pustules of the plague victims. She was the only one who could cure anyone of the plague.
Marietta paid for her beliefs with her life, another senseless murder by the Vatican, she was burned alive and her ashes taken up into the wind that blew over the Sacred Island of Trinacria the original name for Sicily which means “three capes”. The winds swept over the island of Demeter and Persephone, and into infinity. Marietta’s beliefs survived and were carried down throughout the generations by her descendants.
These are some of the stories Lori’s father had handed down to her concerning his side of the Family, who came to a free land, America in 1913 (the same year that Giordano Bruno was written-about by Annie Besant). Along with the family came the “Old Religion” from the Sacred Olive Groves to the land of the Mighty Oaks.
On Lori’s mother’s side there were people of the Old Religion as well, they came to America in the 1890’s. Lori’s maternal Grandmother, Zia Victoria (Aunt Victoria), was a midwife in the area of New York City, known as “Little Italy”, their family came to New York from an area of Central Italy known as Naples and Nola, from this side of the family; they too spoke orally of the ancestors, the Priests and Priestess of the Old Religion.
Lori Bruno Today
In her early twenties, Lori went to work for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). She saw humankind reach for the infinite universes her ancestor Giordano Bruno spoke about in that bygone age and paid for with his blood. She saw the Russians name the crater on the far side of the Moon for him, a crater on the dark side of the Moon. In 1178, on June 18, five Canterbury monks reported an explosion on the moon (the only known observation). This is the proposed time of origin of the lunar crater Giordano Bruno. (MC, 6/18/02)
Later in the 1970’s Lori met Dr. Leo Louis Martello and they formed a lifelong and infinite friendship, Leo himself a Sicilian Stregone, High Priest residing in New York City. Leo was a man who fought for the rights of people and for the Pagan Community and from that effort organized and won the right to hold the first “Witch-In” at Central Park, NY on Samhain 1970. This was indeed a great Victory for the Old Religion as well as for all Pagan’s around the world.
Leo Martello became Lori’s mentor, best-friend and was a true Soul Mate. To this day she honors and remembers him by celebrating his life daily and reminding all of us, her family what it really means to be a WITCH.
According to Lori, “I remember a story another High Priest within the family told me once, when he had the chance to meet Leo in person. Leo asked him, so you are learning to be a witch? “Yes, he replied. However, Leo answered back and said ‘no, you are remembering who you are.’ This has always stuck with me and to this day, I now understand what all the messages, visions and dreams I had meant.”
Leo was an Honorary Elder of Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church which is a legally recognized religious body in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which was founded on the 400th Anniversary of the heresy trial of Giordano Bruno.
In addition to Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church, Lori has also founded the Sacred Paths Alliance Network (SPAN) a charitable efforts organization, and the Protective Order of Witches and Earth Religions (POWER) in 1995 for religious freedoms. SPAN is a charitable organization which gives 100 percent of all monies raised to various charities, which have included the Hospice at Mission Hill, Children’s Aids Program, and others.
On the 29th day of June, 2000 Dr Leo Louis Martello passed over and returned home to the Sumerland, and from this Leo got his wish, to see Lori write. The first thing she wrote was his biography for Llewellyn’s 2002 Magical Almanac.
Lori is the Sole Heir to Leo’s works and holds all copyrights on his works both published and unpublished, recently she, with the assistance of others, have been issuing Cease and Desist orders on persons throughout the internet who were either selling or giving away Leo’s work without prior permissions. From this Lori’s has collected all titles and dates to when they are protected until listed on Leo’s bio page on her website.
Lori wrote, “Leo’s light will never be dimmed his light burns brightly forever within the hearts of his Coven family.” Indeed, in Lori’s home, a light is perpetuallymaintained for him as well as for her entire family and elders. The perpetual light is a tradition that is honored by Italian Witches to show respect for those who have gone home to rest in their Sumerland of the Shadows until they are once again re-incarnated.
In 1996, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis presented Lori with an award for the “Protection of the Children of the Commonwealth,” which hangs proudly next to her at her shop, Magika, today.
As is tradition over thousands of years, the family Black Stone was handed down to Lori it is known as the “Heart of the Mother” by the Elder Priestess of her family. Lori feels that the fact she comes from a family of hereditary lineage does not make her better than people who are seekers. She truly feels that new seekers are Old Souls coming back and remembering their roots.
Lori feels strongly that hereditary practitioners cannot live off of their ancestors’ accomplishments and they must make their own way and keep the light of the Gods forever bright. Lori maintains that whether one is Celtic, Germanic, Slovak, Greek, Italian, Sicilian, Oriental, or from whatever nation you are origin-to, that we are all brothers and sisters. This is how Leo felt as well. She states we must work together toward Peace and Understanding, for we are Humanity.
Many years ago Lori was asked about the meaning of “Witchcraft”, Lori then took the very word WITCH and said the following; W is for Wisdom, I is for Integrity, T is for Truth, C is for Courage and H is for Honor. Lori was taught that Priests and Priestess should respect humanity, all living creatures, and above all, one’s self as the Goddess and God abide within.
Lori states that the Gods see us “naked” whether skyclad or robed, and see down to the exposed soul itself. The Gods are the final judgment, whether one is hereditary, seeker, High Priest, or High Priestess. They know each person and each Heart. Lori says that in Ancient Egypt, the only organ left in the mummy was the Heart. To the Strega, that iat the “all.” Without that heart fire, one’s magic is nothing.
These lessons were instilled in Lori from a very young age and she has lived her life accordingly. Lori has two children and four grandchildren, a wonderful coven family, any many dogs. She believes that no matter what difficulty life has placed before her, her strongly beliefs the Goddess and God have seen her through it all. She sees the future with more and more people coming into that strength of freedom with love surrounding all of life on this planet and the universe, where all religions that respect all of creation can live in peace together and create peace for humanity.
Lori is world renowned, loved by many, and respected throughout her community. To Craft members and non-Crafters, she is affectionately known as “Strega Nona” or “Grandmother Witch.”
She has appeared on television, radio and has appeared in print throughout the United States and Canada, lecturing about her Craft so that others may learn form her, and conducting private psychic consultations. She has also worked, free of any monetary compensation with families who have suffered loss of family members, missing due to criminal activity, and those loved ones who have passed over to the Other Side.
Ra Castaldo and Lori Bruno are family and part of the Hereditary network of strege families.
Maria Wheatley (dowser/researcher/author)
Glenn Kreisberg (author/researcher/radio engineer)

Glenn Kreisberg is an author, outdoor guide, and radio engineer, who researches archaeoastronomy and landscape archaeology in the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountains of New York. His books include Mysteries of the Ancient Past, Lost Knowledge of the Ancients, and Spirits in Stone. He served two terms as vice president of the New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA) and studied archaeoastronomy at SUNY and archaeoacoustics on Malta. He is co-founder of the non-profit Overlook Mountain Center (www.overlookmountain.org) in Woodstock, NY, where he lives with his wife and two teenage children.
- Megaliths of Ancient America! Listen to Glenn’s interview with Cliff Dunning of Earth Ancients.
- Glenn M. Kreisberg’s profile on Ancient Origins
- Listen to Glenn on Eye of Ra Radio Show
- Searching for Ancient Civilizations in the Catskills article on The Other Hudson Valley
- Review of Spirits in Stone from Hellbound.Ca
- Glenn discusses Spirits in Stone on 21st Century Radio Pt 1
- Glenn discusses Spirits in Stone on 21st Century Radio Pt 2
- Old Stone Sites’ Ties to the Sky article by Glenn Kreisberg from Albany Times Union
- ‘Are There Spirits in Stone? Secrets of ancient stone landscapes in the Northeast’ interview with Glenn Kreisberg on Supernatural Girlz
- Glenn’s interview with Jim Harold on Paranormal Podcast
- Glenn discusses Spirits in Stone on Project Compass
- Glenn discusses Spritis in Stone on Ancient Mysteries with Jim Harold
- Glenn discusses Spirits in Stone on Whitley Streiber’s Dreamland
Dr. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe (astronomer/mathematician/astrobiologist)

Sri Lankan-British astronomer, astrobiologist, co-proponent with the late Sir Fred Hoyle of the theory of cometary panspermia. Chandra is a pioneer of the new science of astrobiology, and is a prolific writer both of technical scientific papers
as well as popular expositions of his ideas. His total count of technical journal papers exceeds 400, and some 60 of these have appeared in the journal Nature. Chandra was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1939, and received his early education at Royal College, Colombo and the University of Ceylon. In 1961 he went to Cambridge, UK, where he began his life-long collaboration with Sir Fred Hoyle. Recent books include: Cosmic Genetic Evolution (Academic Press), Diseases from Outer Space, A Journey with Fred Hoyle, The Search for Our Cosmic Ancestry, Where did we come from? (World Scientific Publishing Singapore), and Our Cosmic Ancestry in the Stars (Inner Traditions USA).
He was a Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge from 1963-1973, Professor at University College Cardiff and Cardiff University from 1973-2011. Currently he is an Honorary Professor at the University of Buckingham UK, and also at the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, the Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, and an Adjunct Professor at the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka
Professor chandra wickramasinghe (profchandra.org)
Gary Wayne (author/researcher)
Gary Wayne is a Christian contrarian who has maintained a lifelong love affair with biblical prophecy, history and mythology. His extensive study has encompassed the Bible and Gnostic scriptures, the Qur’an, the Bhagavad Gita, Gilgamesh and other ancient epics, language etymology, and secret society publications.
Author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Mankind and The Genesis 6 Conspiracy Part II: How Understanding Prehistory And Giants Helps Define End-Time Prophecy, details the role of modern-day Nephilim in Satan’s plan to install the Antichrist at the End of Days. You can find Gary Wayne’s books wherever at all book locations, Barnes and Nobles, even Amazon or you can just go to his website, which has incredible amounts of free information as well. His website is genesis6conspiracy.com
Gary and Ra Castaldo have been doing radio shows together on a regular basis since 2015 !
Swami Ji Umasankar a.k.a “Sun Yogi”
(Yogi/Solar Seer/Sage)

Swami ji Umasankar, known as the ” Sun Yogi” is a Solar Seer that has been sharing his Sun Yoga with the world for decades! Ra Castaldo also now writes monthly articles for the Sun Yoga Newsletter. Swamiji Sunyogi Umasankar, a direct disciple of Mahavatar Babaji and pioneer of living solely on solar energy, is an authentic yogi rooted in the ancient Vedic tradition. Born on June 22, 1967, in Lachhipur, West Bengal, India, his life exemplifies spiritual wisdom and the transformative power of Sunyoga. What is Sunyoga?
Sunyoga is a transformative practice that addresses every dimension of life—physical, emotional, spiritual, economic, and psychological. It fosters self-realization, enabling individuals to achieve health, wealth, and inner peace while promoting sustainable living for a harmonious future. Founded by Swamiji Sunyogi Umasankar in 1997, Sunyoga has impacted over 3 million people worldwide, guiding them toward unlocking their true potential.
The philosophy of Sunyoga integrates Vedic wisdom with modern practices. Its core principle involves connecting directly with solar energy, harmonizing the individual with universal forces. The practice’s success rate is remarkable: Over 90% of practitioners achieve Samadhi within six months. Moreover, many have overcome so-called “incur “le” health” challenges through holistic methods.
Sunyoga is inclusive, recognizing the interconnectedness of all existence and embracing solutions for marginalized groups and those facing adversity. Sunyoga aims to eradicate ignorance and create a prosperous, balanced, and peaceful world by fostering unconditional love and harmony. Sunyoga is an ancient, sacred practice that connects you to the ultimate source of life—the Sun. By gazing at the Sun through your third eye (Ajna Chakra), you absorb photon energy, which is transmuted into the five essential elements: Space, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. These forces restore balance, vitality, and peace to your mind, body, and soul.
Sunyoga is not just a meditation; it is a complete spiritual discipline. Through practices like Yama (Humble, Goal-oriented foundation), Niyama (Discipline and Time management), and Asana, Sunyoga offers a holistic approach to spiritual growth, healing, and inner transformation.
Why Practice Sunyoga?
By practising Sunyoga, you open yourself to the infinite potential of the Sun’s energy. The benefits are vast and profoundly transformative:
Physical Healing
- Boost immunity and vitality
- Increase energy and stamina
- Improve digestion and mental clarity
Mental Clarity
- Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
- Enhance focus and concentration
- Calm the mind, fostering inner peace
Spiritual Enlightenment
- Foster a deep connection with the Universe
- Unlock higher levels of consciousness
- Awaken your true potential and intuition
Robert Phoenix (Astrologer/Researcher)

For twelve years, Robert Phoenix has been a working astrologer, when robertphoenix.com exploded onto the scene as a disruptive force in the realm of mundane (global) astrology. Over that time, he’s read over 7,000 personal charts for clients. Driven by a need to serve with a Virgo Sun coupled with the x-ray vision brought on by Scorpio Rising, astrology has given him a powerful tool to assist others in their daily lives. Drawing upon numerous influences, ranging from Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung and William Blake, to Dane Rudhyar and Krishnamurti, he uses an eclectic and multi-disciplinarian approach to astrology. Each reading, each session has it’s own soul as a spontaneous approach evolves out of each chart.
Trained by trance medium, Karen Lundegaard, Robert was a working psychic and tarot reader during the nineties. He also applies a psychic and intuitive approach to each session as well, picking up on key phrases, symbols and even important people during the process. While images emerge from angles and aspects, a practical, results oriented technique is employed so the client can have a clearer picture of options, opportunities and action after the reading has occurred.
In addition to breaking down the whole chart, Robert works a great deal with the nodes and Chiron, both from the natal and transit perspective as these two elements of astrology offer unique clues and insights into the potential of the individual for purpose, direction and claiming one’s ability to live and heal through pain.
we highly recommend Robert for an astrology reading, he is our go to guy and who we send our clients interested in a detailed astrology chart reading! Please tell him Ra Castaldo sent you!!