Ralph-Anthony “Ra” Castaldo was born still in the caul and with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. What’s called a caul with nuchal cord birth. Those Born this way, without their mothers water breaking, and born still within the amniotic sac is seen in mysticism as being born “beyond the veil” or “caulbearer” even “mermaid birth” “fairy birth” and a host of other titles with supernatural hinting. This is possibly what led to him being born hypersensitive to certain frequencies and vibrations. What some call ESP, a sixth sense or hypersensitivity to Harmonic light fields. He also had a near death experience in 1987, at 9 years old, that changed his outlook on life and enhanced his already God given hypersensitivity significantly. Coming to find out some years later, that this experience, was what mystics call a shamanistic initiation. In some cases, when one dies and returns, it’s like dying and then being reborn, spiritually initiated. During this Experience He can remember his body being taken apart particle by particle and then put back together again.  Before waking up on the operating table, at 9 years old, during this operation to save his life, he recalls first being out of body hovering over his own body being worked on in the operating room. Than after making a decision not to return to the pain, he was brought by an incredible warmth and light, speeding fast straight up into the sky through a brilliant sea of Green Intelligence where he found himself suspended above earth and in front of him suspended in Space was a tube of a shimmering wave, what look almost like a tube of water, like heat can look on a hot summer day, like a shimmering wave in the air, he was drawn into this substance and it was alive ! He recalls data traveling through this “water” he was in, and the data was everything that had to do with his existence, every fiber of his being, his soul, his cells, dna, eveything being weighed and judged? Even tho only being 9 years old at the time, what can a 9 year old be judged about? Well, he now knows, it goes much deeper than the judgement definition we think of when using this word. His whole being, every molecule was being analyzed and in one fluid state swirling inside this shimmering wave in space. Suspended standing upright in this ‘Water” in crucifix type pose, and as he describes it he had to level himself out in this watery wave like he was the bubble inside a carpenters level, and once he leveled himself out, he woke up on the operating table in the very same position that he was when inside that watery wave in space!
It wasn’t until literally a couple of decades later he realized that this watery substance and region he was in, suspended above Earth is what we now call in Science the Magnetosphere, and it’s very dynamic, mysterious, and massive landscape.
In the coming weeks after, many of his interests started to change. The way he dressed, thought, and approached life was all radically changed. Although he still played sports, and excelled in all of them actually, they were not as important anymore. Always, enjoying music anyway, he now had a new understanding of it, the way he heard it was even completely different, being able to hear all the different parts of it separately. A new fond interest in the cosmos, this is when he really began to be aware of his hereditary lineage, invisible forces, the other realms, and the plasma intelligences that reside there. Ra, went thru many troubled years, at first being frightened, not understanding what he was experiencing, was shocked to the core from what he felt was just his madness. At first, he did what many do when this happens, and tried to drown it out by partying, and using self-destructive behavior. Finally finding solace in his music, martial arts, and his caul-bearer roots he was able to climb out of that downward spiral and for the last 20+ years he has accomplished a lot! a Loving Dad, a coach, radio host, dedicated Author, researcher, mystic, published poet, songwriter, all around creator. A true old school Rennaissance man. Unfortunately, nowadays, very few are left. He has also become aware of being reincarnated over and over again within a Hereditary Bloodline of Sages and Mystics who have been engaged in an ongoing Cosmic Battle against the forces of Darkness. These Bloodlines have existed since Humanity has existed, we all contain DNA and particles of those that have existed before. We all carry the essence of prior lives within our very genetic makeups, giving us certain abilities and traits that we seem to be gifted or born with. For thousands of years, knowledge of these bloodlines has always been shrouded with secrecy, which has unfortunately contributed to a significant decrease in soldiers of the light. Ego, greed and materialism has taken control, we must no longer stay in the shadows and fight to cleanse the collective consciousness of humanity behind the scenes, it’s time to speak out and let it be known that many of us are here right now for a very special reason, to literally save humanity from itself! These are the very same Asura – Deva Bloodlines of the Ancient Vedic times, and Vedic wars. The existence of Humanity and the existence of these bloodlines go hand and hand and have become entwined on this Planet and throughout the Cosmos. Asura, were mainly based of the Kshatriya Warrior-Solar-Priest-King Clans who decided to use their sacred knowledge and to harness solar, stellar, cosmic energies to act as Gods and rule on this Planet as Solar God-Kings. The word asura can mean demon to some, but to actually break the origins of the word down and how it originally was used in Vedic and Sanskrit is much more meaningful and important. Asura as a word can mean “Almighty One” or even “Lord, Almighty.” At one time these bloodlines existed in harmony and were in tune with the cosmic energies and harmoniously evolving with them, at this time both Asura and Deva meant, “Divine.” After the war over how this sacred knowledge was being applied and used broke out amongst the Bloodlines, that’s when both of these words took on the meaning of demon depending on which side you were on. To some Deva meant to be Divine / or as a God, but to others it meant Demon. Obviously even the very origins to the common English word we use “Devil.” The origins of the word Deva can also be translated as “The Shining one.” Both words origins having to do with being literally as a Sun or Star. A God/King who is not only as Bright as a star but also as Massive, Ancient, Knowledgeable, and powerful as a Sun/Star. The very root to the word Asura the root “as” in Sanskrit means “to sit,” “to be,” to become,” “to sit on a throne and vibrate,” like a Star ! Really incredible poetic descriptions and meanings to these ancient words. They don’t just call Sanskrit the Universal, Cosmic language just for a cool fancy title, it literally is a language where the very meanings and sounds of the words and letters connects universal cosmic essence to this physical Earth realm essence.
After his NDE Ra, began to have many heightened spiritual experiences and hypersensitivity to the higher-dimensional Bio energy grid, harmonic light fields that surround us. Through these experiences and communications, Ra, had contact with other cosmic intelligences, telepathic, holographic, even some with Lion/Leonine / Feline characteristics, what he calls the “Fiela. ” These are not people like we know as people these are solar, stellar, and cosmic codes, symbols within the light, if you will the many octaves of harmonic dimensions that exist within the Plasma. Planets are but mere Islands in the Oceans of Plasma Waves, where there’s beautiful music, an electron driven chorus within plasma waves like Universal Bird Song. This language is actually a form of telepathic Sanskrit, that communicates Universal, collective, solar, stellar, cosmic information. These faces, symbols, codes, etc. are Universal Symbols that connect us to the Universal Cosmic language. Which is where Sanskrit is actually said to be derived. From the sound of Shiva’s Cosmic Drum. These are highly solar, stellar, plasma, intelligent, telepathic beings, whom have been called everything from angels to demons. They exist within the cosmic consciousness. He has come to understand, his communications, and the beings communicated with , are actually parts of his own higher self existence and his own cosmic journey. We can even look at it like fragments or fractals of our own cosmic existence coming from the future to exchange data with us. Some here to help guide us and other fallen angelic forces here to try and rule as gods and deceive us. Some say they were some of the first races on Earth. Related to places like Lemuria, Atlantis etc. etc. The Ancient Aryan Vedic Solar Dynasties, are the most ancient bloodlines that we have knowledge of and where all of the ancient civilizations we have record of are derived from today! All ancient cultures, from the Persians to the Egyptians, Assyrians, Mittani, Hittites, N and S America, even Aboriginals are all derived from the ancient Asura – Deva Clans of the Ancient Solar Sanskrit Aryan Kings. These clans went to war over the universal cosmic knowledge they possessed and harnessed. These Vedic Wars were literally over the Rays of the Sun (Sacred Spotted Cows) , the wars were over the knowledge that they could tap into and harness from the Cosmos. In our Solar System, of course the most important star is Sol, our Sun. All Suns/ Stars emit plasma and the old way we look at the Sun is now very archaic. In the past the Sun was described as a Hydrogen-Gas sphere, but in actuality its so hot that its mostly Plasma which is the 4th state of matter! So, looking at the Universe now through the lens of the Solar kings, which in our times we would call it Plasma Astrophysics, the Sun is actually a plasma star, a plasma sphere! A plasma star is energized at its surface and externally powered! This is also intimately described in the Holy Vedas, like we had previously stated, when they describe the birth of the Sanskrit Language and how it is literally derived from the sound of Shiva’s Cosmic Drum! Which ultimately is the Sun! The Star of this Solar System.
In fact, when most people look at space, they view it as being mostly empty. In actuality 99.999% of the mass of the universe is plasma! Its literally the very lifeblood of the universe! It’s everywhere, and its powering everything! We see Plasma from candle flames to Supernova Explosions!
Through his creativity, telepathic communications, and decades of research Ra Castaldo has come to find the most incredible secrets of nature and the Universe is already written within the ancient writings of many cultures from the Vedic Hymns and Mantras of the Hindu of Ancient India and Aryan all the way to the Snake Priest of the Hopi in the Ancient Southwest of America. These writings and symbols were intended for the spiritual adept to truly know and understand what they contain and are veiling within their metaphors and poetic spiritual descriptions. What they are hiding is the most advanced sciences written in a very spiritual way! Nowadays we keep science and spirituality completely separate, but thousands of years ago especially during the time of the Vedic Kings this was not the case, science and spirituality were intimately fused together, one did not exist without the other.
Over the years having encountered both telepathic connections, and also at certain times encountered physical entities not usually seen in this light spectrum but who have somehow seemed to have been pushed into matter from the plasma light into this and on this physical plane. These intelligences, in our solar system, currently, beam us data telepathically, and cosmic impulses of data. Also, Cometary (Comets) messengers , carrying bacteria with genetic information sent from certain Mega-structures that exist in what we call the Kuiper belt, and also from the Oort cloud, which will be discussed further later on.
Ra describes the telepathic experience as ” a Knowing”, they look you in your eyes and then you know. They don’t speak like us, they speak in symbols, imagery, telepathic streams of data that are very powerful and can activate inactive neurons, inactive DNA and higher consciousness. Harmonics of light, Plasma, the lifeblood of the Universe. They love and are connected to our Earth music, especially certain bells, flutes, drums, bird song, and various other music that sounds like cosmic music like when electrons get caught in Magnetic fields around Planets and sing within the Plasma waves. These other cosmic intelligences, of course, do not follow what our media goes by as popular music. They like to watch certain musicians and artists in our world, without them knowing until the time is right!!!! They especially love music and art with high intense emotion and feeling in it. They get a high ecstasy feeling from very intense creative vibes. Ra has come to find out many of us are some of these artists, creatives , and musicians, including him!!! In 2002 he actually saw one in real 3d life! Most people will never see one in this physical reality. Even many that experience them telepathically still will not. They can only appear in physical form or push themselves into matter for short periods of time, because the Harmonic frequency on this Planet, in this physical dimension, has become so violent for them, so heavy for them. Each day it gets worse and worse. Since than, he has had dreams and astral visits from time to time from this ancient and future race. At about the same time as his NDE as a child, Ra began having UFO / other dimensional encounters where he resides in the Lower Hudson Valley of New York, as well as being called by the power of the Crystal Skulls, Ancient Sacred Sites, Megalithic sites. He was shown how sound, healing, harmonic resonant frequency, telepathy, and megalithic sites were all intimately linked to one another. He became dedicated to unveiling the truth about this information. Also dedicated to working on translations of ancient writings, tablets, biblical archeology, astronomy, Plasma Physics and so much more! These writings, places and objects can help bring our consciousness to be able to hear the call of God, the harmony of the Universe, and the Intelligences that transmit data along those Harmonic light fields. Somehow an inner knowing came over him, he just knew that the Felines, Angels, UFO’s, Megalithic/Sacred sites and his musical/creative energy were all intimately connected to the plasma coming from Suns/Stars and the lifeblood of the Universe and is the very web of our Universal Connection. The Music of the Spheres, the harmony of the Universe, the Music and call of God. What Ra Castaldo has come to understand, is that these experiences and telepathic beings are in fact, only him connecting to fractal, fragments of his own Cosmic Journey. That these entities are actually fragments of his own cosmic memory, and existence, all happening simultaneously. What one must look out for is what many call “channeling.” If one needs to have another entity step in to take over their mind, body and soul, where the host has no recollection of what’s transpired, this is very dangerous. We should never need a middleman to access information, remember that. We already have the connection and bridge to the divine within. Not all of our Cosmic path has been pretty , so understand, that Yes, some of these encounters and telepathic visits can be a beautiful experience , but one must always keep their protection up and have awareness of what and who they are experiencing, because there are trickster type entities that exist and they can replicate any and all spiritual encounters within the eternal memory database inside the living library of our Planetary system. Don’t let the beauty fool you there may be hidden agendas of these experiences and one should be apprehensive about any and all encounters. One should be able to discern between tricksters and Guardians. That’s why it is crucial for one to stay grounded.
Through these communications, Mr. Castaldo, has learned that certain streams of Telepathic transmissions are being sent out from what we call the Kuiper Belt and even from similar intelligences that have Super structures rotating within the Oort Cloud, at the edges of this Solar System. There also seems to be a Super intelligence, a mini planet like Structure rotating within the Kuiper Belt, NASA is aware of this and has named it Arawn, Arawn is the literal Welsh God of Doom! This super intelligence is programming comets with virus/bacteria/DNA, seeding worlds and has various other genetic harvests being carried out, and all sorts of various pods of living systems within it. It is a super Quantum galactic intelligence, a rotating spaceship, on Ra’s new Patreon platform called the quasar network he has been revealing specific details about this. We as a species have been corrupted with a Cosmic Data Virus, only through contact with our higher-dimensional roots can we pull our self back up thru the cosmic slime to a harmonic evolution once again.
When first experiencing these telepathic communications, it took place when he was younger. While writing music in his room, sometimes all of a sudden, he would feel like he was performing for a group of unseen/ invisible beings, like he’s on a galactic stage playing for a council of invisible judges, while he was just alone at home. Ra has come to find out this is when they were telepathically viewing and communicating with his Bio energetic system. He has discovered they get drawn to the spiritual energy certain artists emit from their Bio-system, light body energy, harmonic resonance frequency. They celebrate true art emotion and rejoice with each other while listening and receiving the emotional pure raw vibes from the artist. When Ra Castaldo first realized contact was made, in fact, he literally heard and experienced a “telepathic cheering” by a crowd or council of people! Like a tribunal who decided to stand up and cheer for the one in front of the tribunal lol. It may be hard to accept or read something like this, trust me, it is not crazy, you can look at many ancient civilizations, including Ancient Egypt, they all have had experiences with these beings, who bring Cosmic data during time of change. Solar, stellar, plasma information that brings cosmic data! Codes of creation, destruction and evolution! So here is what these “Fiela” see when they come to hear him play!!! These are the live, emotional, energetic writing sessions of Raffaele-Antonio “Ra” Castaldo. All music and lyrics are his own and some songs are actually being made up right on the spot while recording. Ra’s music has played a big part in his own healing, and oversoul work. Hopefully you will get the same benefits and effects! May you all be blessed and enjoy!!!!!!
Above is recent live freestyle clip of Ra Castaldo playing new song Nocturnal Ra-mishun and below is a short clip from the song called “Color biscuit.”
Color Biscuit This is a little sample of Ra’s song color biscuit
Songs from Ra’s upcoming ep called “Fingerprints of Sleep”
coming soon Ra will be recording his new song Pythonissa …
Megalithic Secrets/ Plasma Chorus Waves of the Magnetosphere / Solar Communication with Dolmens/ Obelisks/ Menhirs/ Stone Circles/ Standing Stones/ Tumulus Structures and much more will be featured on this page. This is some of the most incredible Groundbreaking Information that one can currently find regarding Earth And Cosmic Energies connecting not only to these Sacred Energy Coordinates but also to the Spinal Current of Humanity.

This above photo was taken of Ra Castaldo by his daughter Tana and wife Michele in North Salem, New York Summer of 2023. Geologists tried to at first label this massive granite stone a glacial erratic, saying the ice age and Nature somehow carried this here and somehow left it in this position from erosion, receding etc. At least, now they admit it is an Ancient Dolmen, called the Balanced rock. Ra has called this Megalithic secret and amazing mystery the "Sphinx of New York". Also, it spoke to him calling itself " The Chamber of Sekhmet." Made out of Red Rose/Pink Granite, which is not from anywhere near this site, this 60-to-100-ton stone is literally balancing on a few smaller quartzite slabs and is truly one of the great wonders of North America. In fact, we would go as far as to say it is one of the most incredible Dolmens in the Whole World! Most people drive past this everyday like it doesn't even exist, not knowing the true power of this site!!! Clearly the stone, from one side resembles the feline head of a lion/Cat humanoid type Giant Skull! Also the Feline Head seems to be wearing a Vedic or Egyptian, Etruscan or even Nubian type Headdress, like the Pharaohs and Gods would wear From Vedic to Ancient Egypt. As the Feline Goddess Sekhmet would wear. Was the One side Carved as an effigy? (See pics below to show the similarities of Sekhmet and Balanced Rock) Ra is a world renown mystic and researcher who is very much intrigued by this location and dolmen in many ways. There's an electromagnetic energetic vortex here and you can feel the electromagnetic charge of the place. Ra has both photographed and seen plasma "light balls" or "orbs" at this site. From his own discoveries he has come to realize this location is literally connected to the very Plasma magnetic lines of spiraling electrons and of information coming directly from the Sun and other stars within the Galaxy. One of the most important Characteristics of this Megalithic secret is the fact that it's made of Red Granite. If the Balanced rock was not made of granite/ red granite the location would not hold the power that it does. Putting aside first that the red granite from this location is not from anywhere around the area, so where was it quarried? How did they carry such a massive 60-90 Ton Stone? How did they hoist it and balance it on top of smaller quartzite stone slabs? Putting aside all those questions, lets First, discuss the fact that Red Granite was chosen for this structure. If Red Granite or Granite in general (like we stated previously) was not chosen, it would not hold the powerful characteristics it holds. Red Granite has very high quantities of crystal quartz embedded within it, it also has high quantities of magnetite! When a slab of granite is used as a dolmen like the balanced rock of North Salem, NY it acts like a solenoid, or coil. Magnetite within the Red Granite is of course a natural magnet that generates its very own specific magnetic field. Quartz, and other crystals like Tourmaline are what's called piezoelectric. Which means that it generates electricity and electrical currents of information or cold plasma light when squeezed or compressed, and also when it is subjected to any shocks or vibrations. So, as you can see Red Granite, Granite in general has both electricity and magnetism at the very same time. Making it a very Unique choice, and from our research we find many of these megalithic/sacred locations are built above fault lines, underground water streams, ley lines and various other natural vortex areas, that generate shock and vibrations. Shock forming locations. Also, raising a Red Granite Dolmen off the ground like we have here with the Balanced Rock is very much like raising a guitar string off the fret board where it can vibrate and resonate. (With the positively charged atmosphere and the negatively charged ground.) Also, this Dolmen is literally built on top of a magnetic anomaly, which you can see the graphs and information below showing the tests that were done at this site proving the -400-gamma magnetic anomaly that exists at this location. From our research and experiences, we have discovered that many of these locations including the Balanced Rock have a history of spiral concentric circles of energy and various cultures that were dedicated to doing spiral dances accompanied simultaneously by mantras in a metered, tonal, guttural, bee like drone chant. This is to not only connect to the Universal Cosmic Language, and to harness these solar and cosmic energies but also to generate the torus or Toroidal movement around the Granite to also squeeze the Quartz within to activate electricity/ Cold light Plasma Doorway.
Megalithic Secrets, Advanced Ancient Civilizations, Crystal Skulls, Chamber of Sekhmet / Balanced Rock

Side Profile of Egyptian Sekhmet and the N Salem NY Balanced Rock

above photo “Sphinx of N.Y.” / ” Healing Chambers of Sekhmet” taken by Ra Castaldo on 11/11/19 @ 11:11 am
light codes / plasmic energy

Above pic taken in spring of 2018 by Ra Castaldo,
Above picture is so powerful, taken in spring of 2018 by Ra Castaldo. This photo shows the carved stone bowl that is on one of the ancient stones beneath this Megalithic wonder. Amazingly one of Ra’s crystal skulls seemed to lock into place when he placed it inside. At that very moment Ra began to see holographic light codes, inside his mind and in physical reality for a split second. Everything went white. with holographic symbols and encoding flooding his mind. Ra has come to find out ancient knowledge was downloaded into him and his crystal skull memory at this time. Codes Directly from the Sun.

Healing Chambers Of Sekhmet / Atlantean Firestone
Sekhmet and the Connection to North Salem Balanced Rock: Not only does this massive 60 to 100 ton megalith have the head that looks like a Feline Humanoid Goddess wearing a Pharaoh like headdress but it is also made out of Rare and powerful Rose / Pink Granite just like the Obelisks of Ancient Egypt and the Aswan quarry but also the fact its Red Granite. Sekhmet is known as “the Mighty One” and the Feline Goddess who bears ” Red”. This is no coincidence , here is a quote from the Egyptian Book of the Dead
Sekhmet, thou mistress of the gods, thou bearer of wings,
— Egyptian Book of the Dead, c.1550 BCE
thou lady of the red apparel, queen of the crowns of the South and the North
Sekhmet the Goddess of Destruction and also Healing!!
This Red Connection, and the bearer of wings all has to do with Solar phenomenon, the powers of the Sun, the powers of the Solar wind, Solar flares and all the information of creation, healing, rebirth, evolution and destruction that’s being sent directly from the Sun, the Mother of the Gods!
Ra Castaldo
Temples were dedicated to Sekhmet and her healing technology. She is Known as the Great One of Healing and Lady of Transformations. Sekhmet’s temple is where sick people came for help. Her magician priests were skilled in anatomy, surgery and herbs, as well as sound and vibrational healing. Harmonic Resonance healing system, for healing of the physical and light body. This system was called Sekhem.
Sekhem Solar Plasma Spinal Current
Sekhem is an ancient sacred healing system practiced in Ancient Egypt. Recently rediscovered over the last few hundred years, it connects to what was Goddess Sekhmet’s or Sekhem energy. This all has to intimately do with the very Solar currents of the Sun, and the various levels of Harmonics of light that exists within the multiverse. Sekhem literally means having spiritual might or authority, meaning literal Spiritual Power! or Spiritual Technology! This is derived from the Shakti Power of Vedic, the SKT root and SHT roots are derived from Shakti. These Currents coming from the Sun are directly connected to the Spinal Currents of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.
Sekhem / Shakti Solar Scepter and Scalar Energy
The Sekhem Scepter is known as one of the most powerful of Ancient Egyptian symbols and technology! Ancient Sages and powerful Temple Priests have passed down various myths / history describing the powers of the Sekhem energy and Sekhem scepter. Is Sekhem energy and Scalar energy the same?? I would say yes! Sekhem scepters said to help restore the Ma’at or harmonic balance to objects, both animate and inanimate as well as the harmony between earth energies and galaxies. This scepter is associated with many other gods of the Pantheon like Ptah, Horus, Set, Anubis, Ra and of course Sekhmet, ” The All Mighty One ” Sekhem energy being where her name is actually derived , but the origins is truly Vedic of course, with the Shakti power. The Sekhem staff/ scepter is almost always associated with mortuary rituals and is said to be technology that can resurrect the dead!! Through harmonic sound vibrational healing frequencies that can even heal decaying cells and restore life to the non living !!!! Also this technology is said to be able to bring a body to a higher-dimensional existence from 3d to 4 or 5d and beyond !

Maahes is said to be the Lion god, son of Sekhmet
Sirius Star System Connection
So many connections and myths lead to connections between the Gods of ancient Egypt and the Sirius Star System. Sirius being the ” Dog Star” and also having many connections to the Jackal Headed lord of the Underworld / (Rosetau) Anubis . Sekhmet is said to be the consort of both Ra and also Ptah, the creator God of Memphis and both were said to be present at the moment of creation. Some say these Lion Beings originate from Star Sirius A, a blue-white star in the constellation of Canis Major . Sekhmet being the one who can create the Ma’at, which upholds harmonic and cosmic laws and many believe that her husband, the God Ptah, in his creator aspect, originates from the Sirius Star System. Ptah, meaning the one who comes from the sky waters. Credo Mutwa , African Shaman who recently passed away, talked about an Ancient Race of Lion humanoids and an Ancient race of ” Blue Eyed, Highly Intelligent, White Lions” in South Africa. According to legends they appeared in the far past in what is the area of Timbavati, Africa, after a meteorite came crashing down. They are unique to that specific southern part of Africa. They represent a genetic rarity, they have star like shiny blue eyes. Credo mentioned, that one of the oldest and wisest star-tribes in Africa have memories of a mysterious country with enormous pointy square mountains. A country , whose God/King had the body of a human and the head of a lion. The tribes say that their ancestors originated from this mysterious land of the Gods, who themselves originated from a planet associated with the binary sun system Sirius. The Ancient tribes of Africa like the Dogon, had connections to Sirius as well as knowing about Sirius B (Digitaria), and possibly a “Sirius C”, Sirius B is unseen in the night sky , a white dwarf, information that academia still today cannot understand how they obtained. See more about the Sirius Star system and the Lion’s Gate of August below .

Lion’s Gate 2018, some of these photos were taken during two visits in August. August 8th and August 17th. During and after the Lion’s gate natural Cosmic Star-gate . The Lion’s gate , is a natural Universal Star-gate that’s always been operational and functional , but on certain years strong Cosmic energies/ Cosmic DNA/Cosmic Viruses can be channeled and activated. In the last several decades there’s been a few powerful Lion Gate openings. August 8th of 1991 , and now 30 years later August 8th of 2021 is another powerful Lion’s Gate. Lion’s Gate, takes place every Summer , starting in late July to about mid August, peaking on August 8th. This is when the Sirius star system rises and aligns with Earth Energies. Even the rising of the Ancient Nile River in Egypt was associated with the star system Sirius. Known as the home of Isis and various other Egyptian Gods/Goddesses. Even in the Ancient area of Mesopotamia , and the Levant we have a country called “Syria” with obvious connections with the same Sirius . It goes much deeper tho, Ancient Goddesses from Syrian history are also very much associated with the Sirius Star System. The Ancient Deity, Atargatis , was described as a Fish/Human hybrid, the mother of mermaids, the mother of Semiramis , who was the mother of giants, legend has it that she fell to Earth or landed on Earth , in an Egg shaped pod , landing in a sacred river in Syria. The legend states that she came from a planet associated with the Sirius Star System. One can only speculate that this is most likely the reason that Syria was given its name, being that the Gods who were seen as the founders and rulers of this area originated from Sirius.

Photo: Simon Connor

Photo: Simon Connor
Photo: Simon Connor

Sekhmet.: Above is picture of a colossal seated statue representing the warrior goddess of plagues and healing Sekhmet, “the powerful”. Mane and hair meld together harmoniously beneath the solar disk and uraeus-cobra. A carved inscription on the front of the seat refers to “Amenophis III, beloved of the goddess”

Megalithic and Energetic Surge of Dawn
At this Megalithic site in North Salem N.Y. an amazing technology was literally installed here thousands of years ago, which had to be by an Ancient Advanced Civilization . Others have done tests here and have found inside the chamber of this dolmen exists a massive magnetic anomaly , and at dawn there’s a huge electromagnetic surge of electrons that takes place , this can be measured with scientific equipment and is not esoteric at all. Ancient Egyptians incorporated this same technology and knowledge within the construction of their Obelisks as well, the “flash of Dawn”, the very moment of sunrise, as the sun first peaks over the horizon there’s a flash of light, a beam, hitting the top of the obelisk which was made of shiny metal like gold, lighting it up, making it appear to be glowing, this being the most powerful of times!! The part that many will say is esoteric about this, is that Ralph-Anthony “Ra” Castaldo, feels that at the moment of dawn where this Surge takes place, is where powerful light codes and higher dimensional information can be accessed from the Sun. Most likely this ” Dawn Surge” exists at many other dolmens and megalithic sites. This all has to do with Plasma Astrophysics, the solar wind, the Magnetosphere, and what happens to the magnetic shield during sunrise and sundown.

Map is credited to the late author John Burke and Dr Bruce Cornet who did the measurements and testing. I got permission to use this photo from Kaj Halberg, who was editor and co-author with John , on their book “Seed of knowledge, Stone of Plenty. ” Which is now rare and out of print.

Photo by John Burke ( Balanced Rock is atop a few upright quartz slabs, directly above a 400-gamma magnetic anomaly. From the spot in the ground directly below the huge boulder, geomagnetic readings rise sharply in all directions. )

this amazing above photo was taken by Ra Castaldo on his recent August 17th 2020 investigation. The whole day turned out to be one big spiritual event with obstacles to overcome and all!!! Ra was using dowsing tools, electromagnetic field testers, powered orgone pyramid devices with frequency generators, copper tensor tools, and Crystal skulls at this site . This remarkable photo was able to capture two amazing arched rainbow light tubes, coming out of the ground going from front to back of dolmen!


Winter Solstice, December 21st 2020, Great Jupiter Saturn Conjunction

above picture is from Winter Solstice 12/21/20 about 3pm , this special winter solstice in 2020 was also known as the “Great Conjunction” , the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction . On This day Jupiter and Saturn appeared closest together in the night sky in the last 400 years, also special solar alignments took place with the very top of this Megalithic Dolmen , at about 1:30pm eastern time here in N.Y. which was the exact time of the closest moment of the Great Conjunction! These pics below will show some of the amazing Solar phenomena that took place @ that time. photo taken by Ra Castaldo

Incredible Plasma Model shown right here almost exactly like models shown by Plasma Physicists like Anthony Peratt

Crystal Skull Smokey Himalayan Quartz “Tago” @ N Salem Balanced Rock w/ its guardian Ra Castaldo

Plasma Rainbows of light @ N Salem Balanced rock while imprinting Crystals for website during Summer Solstice